Google Analytics doesn't have to be intimidating, you just have to know what you are looking for. I will break down the 4 reports you need to be checking in on to analyze your customer's behavior. From these reports, you can then improve your conversion rates by improving your customer experience!
Customer avatars, also known as buyer personas, are a fundamental marketing tool for the biggest companies in the world. Recently, small retailers have realized their power for connecting with their customers. As the online marketplace becomes more and more saturated, it’s more important than ever for businesses to pinpoint their niche audience.
When you’re an entrepreneur, you’re defined by your passion for your work. You have to be in order to maintain the drive needed to chase after your goals. However, this is also why work/life balance can be so difficult when you own your own business. Entrepreneurs are notorious for taking work home with them, and this puts them at risk of burnout.
If you have a blog or a website on another platform but want to leverage the power of Shopify, the Buy Button is your solution!
The Shopify Buy Button generates a code that allows you to embed products and the checkout into any site. So, whether you are on Squarespace, WordPress, Wix, or a landing page builder, for only $9.00 per month on Shopify's Lite plan you can add eCommerce capabilities to any site.
Setting up your local pickup and delivery in your Shopify store is a great option for shop owners who want to offer customers flexibility in accessing their orders. We have outlined the step-by-step options in setting up Local Pickup and Delivery in Shopify.
If you a business owner who sells a product - these numbers should intrigue you. They should make you eager to create a BFCM campaign to see how your audience responds and it should push you to create an online shopping experience if you haven't already. The trends are pointing to higher internet sales than ever before, especially as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.
As you plan for your Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales this holiday season please be aware that shipping carriers are expected to add peak surcharges to shipping costs.