
How to Plan Strategically In Your Business

How to Plan Strategically In Your Business

3 min read

We have all heard the quote, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” by Sir Winston Churchill. What we don’t hear is how to actually plan! So today, I am going to share with you my system for planning that allows me to stay organized and hit milestones in my business that I am truly proud of.
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Getting Your Sh*t Together

Getting Your Sh*t Together

4 min read

After working as an entrepreneur in some capacity for the last 16 years, I have learned that flying by the seat of your pants in business is not the most efficient way or practical way to run a business.  It leads to burnout very quickly and if you do that for enough years, it will most likely lead to health issues down the road, as in my case.

So after leaving a full time job 6 years ago to refocus on building my side gig into a larger business and raise my daughter, I have finally found a groove in how to effectively plan and prepare with less stress in your business.

So I am proclaiming 2019 as the year to continue to get my my sh*t together in my business, do you want/need to join me?

So I am going to share with you my system to staying organized and reducing the overwhelm in your business.

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