It's never to early to start talking and preparing for Black Friday/Cyber Monday. The countdown begins, we are a few months out and with the trends from the Stay at Home Orders, this season is looking to be the biggest yet! That’s why it’s more important than ever to plan ahead and make sure your store is ready for this busy shopping day.
If you have ever hung out in the support channels or Facebook groups for Shopify, there are always so many shop owners looking for solutions or apps to add features to the free theme they are using. In all honesty, the time it takes to do the research, try your hand at coding, or install an app that comes with a monthly fee, you could have invested upfront in a paid theme and saved yourself a huge headache and lots of time.
This week we are talking about Google Analytics and why it's important to set up on your Shopify website or any website. I am also going to show you how to set up your analytics account, integrate it, and also enable e-commerce tracking.
What is the best method for needing to put your store on pause? Shopify has a built-in password protected landing page built into their system, all you need to do is enable it. This is a great tool to use if you are doing updates to your site or need to put your store in vacation mode.
When you migrate a website or have a page that is no longer relevant on your site, a 301 correctly signal where content has moved to allows search engines such as Google and Bing to keep their index up-to-date. In this post, I am going to walk you through a few different methods in Shopify on how to edit 301 redirects on your site.
If you are having trouble with your Instagram feed on your Shopify website, you are not alone. As of June 29th, 2020, Instagram discontinued its legacy API. So, what does this mean for you? Well, if you have your Instagram feed integrated into your theme on your website, it may have stopped working.
As business owners, we want to make our online shops accessible to everyone, unfortunately, there are millions of users out there who are left out of the equation when it comes to making sites user friendly for all.
Connecting with your customers is one of the mostimportant things to do as an entrepreneur, especially on your own platform. Something that I have previously discussed is the lack of owning your list of people who follow you on social platforms and even on third-party sites like Etsy, but when you have customers or prospective customers on your email list, their information is yours and it can't just disappear tomorrow.
Knowing what your clients want from you will help tremendously in figuring out the type of content that you should be focusing on. Let’s place the focus back onto your ideal client and find out what type of information they want and how they want to receive it.
Your brand identity is the image your company portrays to the world at large, to your customers or clients. When people look at your online presence, they should know what you do and that you bring value to the market. Your brand identity should be appealing to your target market and should be consistent in every printed piece you produce and across every online platform.
Becoming more productive, especially while working from home, requires planning, scheduling, and paying close attention to the impact of the actions you take. After all, productivity is not about being busy, it’s about getting stuff done.
Defining a work-life balance is something you must do for yourself. Keep in mind that balance will look different to you than to someone else. Regardless of how you define balance the best way to ensure you get what you want is to plan for it.